Sunday, May 20, 2012

Do morning ablutions lead to a state of confusion

Do morning ablutions lead to a state of confusion

As i took a bus that seem to suggest no level of stress there were few among its occupants who were willing to debate on day-to-day topics foremost being abuse that tended to be sprayed by workaholics and shopaholics.  

Intake of horlicks and other energy drinks could not be blamed for this pledge to not excuse from abuse as there are other drinks that leave you confuse. Once in a state of confusion post morning ablutions, abuse can be collected at will as some find it as a source of thrill.  In the normal course, different from english-speaking source, abuse could be a three or four- letter word or something comprehensively never shirked solely guided by the duration one seeks it to last and burst. Longevity of the spoken gems is not assured but its reverberations are nothing less than a furore.  Some take it as a compliment considering the food intake has not been proportionate to the state of mind when these  gems were shelled out and more it looked as an act of rehearsing rhyme. 

Liberalisation has given wheels to this act which in the normal course leads to acidity if one ever tries to retract. Liberalisation has liberalised the usage of tongue and herein this undiluted commitment need not necessarily be in person as there are other ways one can feel the sensation. THe cell has been convenient enough to take the load and remit voices in as much clarity as if you are standing close. In the pre liberalisation period when there were ways to skip office/school and your trace, the one who did not report for work was handed out compliment only after s/he showed up after long absence and if not this was sent a letter that precisely mentioned where lay the abuse section. This sentiment is normally employed to date to regale those in the vicinity huge distances notwithstanding  landlines during then made the exercise carry the energetic sense. 

Telephone directories of that period were regularly updated and its bounty look suggested that one could try alphabetic route on those whom they wanted to mouth shoot. Pre liberalisation meant fewer days the authorities had at their disposal to get the work done as people designed to work at will were more accustomed to take a holiday thrill. With more days to spend away from offices, the people hailing from employable age and gainfully employed took upon themselves to bide away time in looking for names in telephone directory whom they wanted to shower with abuse battery. Minutes turning to hours; hours turning to days, the telephone directory proving handy to hand out abuse rage. That partially explained fewer vehicles dethroning your movement in the city trail and road rage never heard of when most were binded by landline age.  

With the evolution of cell and the evolutionary phases the man has been swept under, the abuse amelioration looks more a reality with nothing to define the undercurrent as brevity. Blessed are those who are active recipient of this gem early in the morning as it sets the tone and sentiment for the entire day that is by no means a warning.  Those who are not lucky enough to get a piece of this gem in the morning the entire day serves as no less than a warning on when you would be adorned with this ornament for which some people are precisely paid a rent. Nowadays pre and post cell conversations lead to abuse sensation; some preferring to do it in the four walls of their home and some willing to do it in a corner which is not short of bloomers. 
Some papers take upon themselves the need to carry out a poll on what abuse led to and how many were glued to. If abuse has been handed out from a firmament where there has been a fair sprinkling of security cum sanitary staff, there would be few in the audience who would laugh. Some would cheer you the next day to hold out a press conference where you would have your say; the best course could have been to not visit the stadium and its canteen post happy hours when you can hardly gauge any flowers. This poll purification where readers have been asked to voice their association lends no credence as it is only trying to lengthen the longevity of a midnight act on which everyone takes turn to react.
Apology would be hard to come but if it ever comes it won't make any side look small or have the shape of a midnight punch; the one that came the next day in a place where most were served drinks in a tray.  In the assessment year 2012-13, assessing the performance of journos, there have been a plethora of gentlemen pleading that they have an urgency to assess the performance of those reporting and reading. Amidst this assessment one gentleman who failed to be a journo and looked at every reporter as one no less than a porter was candid enough to remove the confusion. SAndoz Toliya from Tanzania deemed fit to hand out abuse from a literature that comprised his kit. Likes of Toliya believe that handing out compliments to those with a fair degree of sentiment is his birthright given the reporter who this entity believes to be a porter is adding nothing more to a spectacle of litter. Well litany of plaints have come on how can you abuse someone who has not taken any rum.     
Abuses would galore as long as economy shows signs of heating up and on occasions shutting up. Abuses done in four walls would show there would be few to upstage you; if done outside there would be plenty to trace you.

Abuse would be hard to locate if you take a walk past some streets which may have been known for this feat in earlier days. You never know when that very street would be heating up with abuse beat. For now those who have been successful enough to go past stage of ablutions, with a free mind and a free will they are free to hand out the abuse gem to a fair degree. Those who have a struggle on ablution front would think twice before launching on abuse rant.  

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