Thursday, May 24, 2012

How long can one wear a shirt in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata and Guruvayur

How long can one wear a shirt in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata and Guruvayur

As i struggle to write a story from a cafe that is logically and timely located in a basement given the heat that emanates from structures on a different firmament, i wonder are there enough places in the capital where one can have a cool sabbatical. Cool sabbatical as an option can be exercised in floors above basement if there are fewer machines that emit fewer degree of heat and scream The net facility here is open for all to see and gauge and should not be discomfort for those who long ago ceased to have their privacy rose. It is the cool surroundings that is tempting enough temptingly made possible by a desert cooler in a functioning mode in the background. Besides the net facility there are other net savvy ingredients in the basement networking with their clients which also claims to provide services like spa, facial and rebonding.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

There are some issues with the monitor i am working with as cursor on occasions seem to move faster than i can grapple with. The intent to deliver myself to a basement was to apprise with the prospect of how many days a shirt can be worn in the national capital and if there are indeed any other centre that can be a rival. The national capital which plays host to mood swings the nation sees has enough potential stored for a gentleman to wear a shirt on a day more than one as sultry surroundings are comparatively less and dust storms of a scale not necessarily creating a fuss. If one has stayed indoor for a duration lasting 48 hours and more one can safely bet that a shirt can be be worn with none willing to fret.

A step outside that may not mean you are open to an idea of a bite could well subject your shirt to an upheaval of distort.Brushing aside uncounted number of individuals the shirt washed and worn could be open to the thought of getting torn if one is not cautious enough to keep button and sleeves on. Some in the metro and bus get close to get the feel of the fabric and in the melee they repose their faith of being a maverick.Yet it is the metro that has spawned a debate that a shirt can be worn for long as it has surroundings of a baby on a song. When you step out of a metro station and go past other sensations, there are enough hints that your shirt would be seeing the light of the day and absorbing dust and heat as you become part of the travelling-cum-trailing fray. Two outings on two successive days would be enough to secure the shirt the dirt it deserves and a wash in rin would be mandatory to make it beam. If it is winter the whiplash could well take three days to settle in and thereby going for a mandatory wash bin. Against this in the sultry environs of Mumbai, where majority swear by locals and its longevity the shirt from the date of its birth faces adversity from forces that have fewer sources. A brush here and a skirmish there, the shirt begins to have its share of wear and tear. Still the authenticity of that fabric can least be doubted if worn regularly and yet faring fairly. The sweat tinge may rupture it to a point of no return but if the fabric is strong the repeated wash may keep intact the character of a worn bomb.The shirt put on and the locals so strong you are amidst a surrounding that is nature in its unadulterated form and one who is authentic enough to step outside would be hearty enough to give his body and  fabric the earthy ride. Dishevelled and disarmed may be his strengths; all in all one has crossed the fence and one who has returned home can hit the bed with the same fabric and ensured of a dream roam.

Coming to Chennai where heat is undiluted the entire year with cascading effect of sultry fare, the shirt is best preserved to be worn one day if outing has been too long. Two outings two days could be plausible with the same shirt if romantic liaisons are not bedeviling  you on earth. Out on an assignment with the same shirt on firmament one should be assured of it being largely ripped off sweat and those who frequently fret no need to place a bet. Shirts of convenience are easily discovered in stores given those with non-white colouring are a roar.  For Kolkata and its expected share of quota, shirts of all shapes and sizes would do. Sentiments airing your confidence and opinions are not hard to get as these can be purchased in bulk and at a pace that would make none sulk. Forewarned are those who step out and yet not take a dip in the water at least twice a day as this city has immense of this reserve and it give its citizenry the birthright they deserve. Roundabouts and the streets have enough kal ka pani and this makes the tongue roll out a sweet vani.

As for Guruvayur and the vicinity, shirts may drench in sweat given the sultry sum. Enough outings would require you to wash it as the travels are not large and loathsome and distances are managed with dividends looking handsome. Even the shirts the new acquaintances wear may look neat and tidy and perhaps on occasions some queries may come on why you desist from those fabric which have no iron clothing variety. Keeping neat and tidy is the buzzword and a shirt with ironing is welcome and not lulled.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

As i begin to wind up some gems from the north east have begun to get calls on their cells which they have begun to answer after hearing the bell. These gems too believe in wearing shirts; right now kindled by a desire to adorn tee-shirts that goes down to the butt and can easily be preserved in a hut. Against these gems there is another group looking for admissions and other clues. Admission blues are hard to contest and if one has not tucked his shirt inside the blues can turn to a long bite.                                                                

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