Thursday, September 6, 2012

Delhi could have been an ideal capital

Delhi could have been an ideal capital

If one were to forget the parliament and the squabble, there are other histrionics that call for urgent repair. Residents of the city seek a just order, the order that doesn't trample on their rights. City's segregation could be huge depending on the locales you stay and the civic amenities that come along.  Delhi's boast is on account of being the capital with a political pulse and a centre of navigational aids- the direction the business should take, the upshot the trading activity should embrace and the inflation that should be a riding concern or just a momentary lapse. Here the national  capital and its significance is well documented by the threadbare discussions , streetwise protests and and more than occasional collection of men face to face with those in the khaki.

From a reliable public transport 

This is the very city whose public transport was the cheapest and reliable in the 70s and 8os. Commute was not much of a problem and dynasty the political sphere talked about were few and far. The political assertion was heavy and assertive, the assumption that the business environment could succeed minus the political patronage was difficult to figure out and all  the licensing and the unfolding leverage that political wise men could indulge in was to give a longevity to their political innings and that of their bosses. A period heavy into state intervention, the man on the street too believed that whatever little desire he flaunted to gain he could get through "appropriate interventions". Unlike other cities of the country, the capital's clamour to remain on top was a seamless achievement given the politico-business convergence off and on. The city had few inhabitants and a few raise that the income class could see coming, the inducements for others to abandon their homeland and pitch their tent here was minimal.

As the city opened and the liberalisation legitimacy wind that swept the city and the country alike, the host that national capital was more than visible. A political paraphernalia (host of political leaders trying to take under their wings activists who wish to be a politico with a rider of sorts)  was close on the heels of business contingents that converged here from the country and beyond.  As for any capital city, it was equally true for Delhi when investment bugle had been sounded.  Investment (FDI)was the benchmark of success with most perceiving this as the legitimacy they desired but been denied and the windfall in income was seen as a course correction. All gadgets and give aways were grabbed by willing hands not realising the wrong precedent it was setting. Sectors after sectors in the industry believed FDI Fun was here to stay and the stock market sensation drove many to that fray. From where and at what level the resources(read money) had been arranged no one bothered; most wanted to soak themselves in one-and-a-half decade investment evolution.

Transport sector sees an upheaval

The early 90s picture emerged like this. The first aftereffect was dissonance. Private entities joined the transport business and redlines and bluelines in Delhi had a colossal impact on lives of its residents. The number of victims in a year was more than what the city would have seen in any decade. Yet their free run was undiluted and unchecked. Prior to this with more migrants coming to the city and more from within the city taking shelter in areas not recognised by the govt. , the entire cacophony was on "more the merrier". Migrants take was back home the earning potential in states like Bihar, UP and Rajasthan was not there given the "jungle raj" and a lacklustre administration that appeared to have a novice approach to pending issues.

Migration from other places

On fewer occasions since the 70s these states made an honest attempt to revive themselves as unsplit house (bihar from Jharkhand and UP from Uttaranchal) gave them enough elbow room to keep their critics at bay. Since power and water scene was equally bad in the entire country, they took the line that law and order and its improvement in their states was a gradual process. Law and order in states like Bihar has improved with a responsive administration in place. But this has not deterred the flow of migrants to other states as jobs are few due to lack of a strong industrial base.  The income potential that delhi and its roundabout had seen was not hard to miss and so was court's intervention that pollution-spreading industries would have to cede ground to residential establishments in the city. There was a furore and those having led their three -fourth of lives on that hope, a new life with a new set of challenges was the least they could reconcile to.

The vicious circle that trapped many

A new battle had begun as the number of personal transports and those plying diesel fumes emitting vehicles was rising by the day. The govt of the city was more geared to get more more private operators in business, never a thought sprang that govt.buses and their fleet could be revived. The change that came about led the single screen theatres turning to multiplexes, more and more private schools and colleges getting registered and an upheaval that led more to a vicious cycle that if you don't earn more , the pleasures of a "private setting" can't be experienced. Effectively put, a private home that had all the trappings of a modern establishment (from gizmos to swimming pools) thereby giving a fillip to the real estate that least deserved, a private vehicle that need to be exchanged for a new one every six months, a private school for your kin with no concern whatsoever on exorbitant school fees. A private high degree college from a developed world for their children was what most with corporate seduced pay structures desired. Even majority of those who did not have resources turned to banks - and there was no end to their scale of succumbing to temptations.

As govt. employees with a salary not commensurate with the expectations they had began to flaunt, the scams and  accompanying stunts became order of the day. In effect the sixth pay commission came and with its implementation the demand-supply dynamics underwent a sea change. Well the private sector had already ruptured the dynamics and the new pay structure led to a total assault. Assault was not only on the economic fabric, the political fabric too got the undesirable windfall it least deserved. With a background in running social groups and other businesses, the political sons/ daughters gained entry to political theatre. Charges of graft were flying fast and with their seniors at the helm for over a decade these sons and daughters had a seamless entry to positions of power. Instead of probing into their deeds committed in hosting big events, they set out to target others by using the powers they have at their disposal.
As for power/water hike, what the authorities don't understand is that a govt servant may well accept the  hike as nothing is going from his pocket. The moment he is not a govt servant, the pressure that would be on him to get a new high-paying job or the pressure that he would bring on his sons/daughters to take high-paying jobs would be tremendous.  Such hikes do such ruptures.

In the city most believe that if one wish to do a business, trading activity and an assignment, the thing to bear in mind is that only right connections matter. If one wishes to highlight the irrational hike in power/water tariff, there are ways to silence the protest. With the govt intending to raise petrol price by another 5rs to be followed by diesel and LPG, like in any  other city this city residents too would suffer in silence. A politico and his family who has built his fortune in politics and politics alone or a bureaucrat or his family who has built his empire during govt stint would never be able to understand the rupture these hikes bring. Such hikes make more and more people amenable to undesirable influences and a fall in a vicious cycle that no one desires. A beginning from our end where we use the public transport the most, use lpg to the minimum and try to inculcate in young ones that a govt. school is a good option is the least we can do. Private schools could be tried where there is a broad understanding that fees are within limits and if need be either pa or ma could take classes in subjects - provided they are moulded to that end - to see that any raise for entire school is avoided. Hard target but achievable

There are millions who don't take ticket from a bus conductor as the bus conductor says that this bus does not have stoppage for such places and yet would be stopping the bus are doing disservice. All commuters should insist on a bus ticket. Similar should be the conduct in the trains. A beginning from our side could make a difference. A whimper of protest here and a whimper of protest there won't yield much.

Points in order
- elections 2014 should be preceded by a round where a majority opinion on which all contestants they would like to be in the fray. Say two names come up in a finding for every constituency. Then the two names can be contestants along with other party candidates. It is not possible in all 543. Begin this exercise in 150-odd constituencies. It may have loopholes but it can get a success where a candidate comes who uses the MP Local area fund to its logical end and the one who is not tarred by votebank and caste considerations. A difficult approach but can be tried.

- insist on a railway/bus ticket. one taking a general class ticket and entering the sleeper class should be made to pay according to the distance travelled. Say the passenger with a general class ticket and is in sleeper class he should be asked to pay upfront 200rs for 300km and between 200 and 250rs up to 500 km and 500km and beyond 300 to 350rs. The receipt issued would be waiting/boarding receipt for a general class ticket holder who is in sleeper class. No seats would be given but he has the liberty to stand and sit in the aisle and in areas near entry/exit points. If the commuter is able to find a seat for himself well and good. Otherwise he can travel in a sleeper class with a receipt duly issued by tte. This would stop the fleecing of  the general class ticket holders who wishes to be in sleeper class and yet has to pay to tte and doesn't get a receipt. Mind you here the sleeper class seat is not being given; a receipt is being given to stay in sleeper class.

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