Wednesday, September 19, 2012

No one stands to gain from testing poll waters. Let meeting of minds happen

No one stands to gain from testing poll waters. Let meeting of minds happen

Romney's gaffe was caught on camera, the home administrators in our country have not been short on giving bytes in vehicles that could possibly include maruti and tavera. The standoff on reforms could not have come at a worse time when the sectors they seek to reform has lost shine. A near-acceptable hike in diesel and lpg rationing coming after 9 to 10 cylinders could have been understandable; what the authoriries went on to do was in the name of widespread reforms tried to reform the defused retail bomb. The multi brand retail fdi is the most irrational step coming from the govt of the day with no effort made to secure a consensus that could have at least diagnosed the issue and formidables on tray.

Monsoon ne di hai izzazat (good monsoons could make you do this)

Had it not been for good monsoons ( don't forget one-and-half month ago we were staring at a real drought) , the authorities would have least procured an arsenal to launch the FDI retail tornado that would sizeably tear apart the middle and lower middle class ability to grow. With a meagre income and a limited livelihood the retail brothers of ours are in , the retail razmatazz that least desirable fdi wishes to create would in all likelihood seal their fate. Those in power may give the rationale that it was fdi and fdi alone that led to job market and more joining the earning potential bracket ; this rationale may hold true for those at investors' mercy as the number of scams to hit the firmament has been no less than the spectacle of a daily wager adorning every month a new ornament. FDI in retail would lead to an undercurrent of discontent and a frustration lasting more than a season and few able to make a sense. Better advised to look for domestic investments and create a pliable playground that prods the domestic players to bat on home than let flight of capital go to places like china and rome.

Economy in peril and fdi in retail dose to give a lasting thrill

Those in power believe that economy is in peril and a dose of fdi would inundate a lasting thrill. Why get bothered by policy paralysis enconiums; such enconiums should not distress you as it is coming from papers who want to make a case for fdi stress busters. The economy isn't in that bad shape as it is made out to be. A series of disinvestments; a series of measures to check non plan expenditure and possibly cut the plan expenditure - all in the realm of possibility- could be tried. An fdi in power/roads and other infrastructure could be an engaging process but fdi in retail would dismantle the peace fabric that the country takes pride in a jest. As for coal conundrum there could have been better ways to consign the coal camp reduced to a scam by de-allocating on a scale unprecedented and levying a penalty that would suggest that though you erred in the beginning by not auctioning, the steps taken now would give the public a palatable curd. Way to coal destress is to employ coal auction tool for future and relax environmental norms where mining is to be done.  Take the opposition on board and a simple talk that though we erred in the past, in future we all have to have an innings that has to last. Because there are states ruled by Opposition that too have erred on coal issue.

As for votary of reforms, you do it in aviation and power. Disinvestment in PSUs is not a lost case. As for fdi in retail disbandon it for now. It would neither engineer a boom nor give negotiations a room. Still if the policy paralysis tag tails you don't get bothered.  A fear psychosis would pervade if fdi retail is allowed at this juncture and this would possibly derail the govt and puncture. The case you would make that it is for states to implement won't cut much ice; those supporting from outside would begin to seek their right. Possibly there were 18 to 20 months later you could have come face to face with the electorate. Why dilute that possibility by being adamant on a retail fdi fate. One ally part of the govt has all but gone. Possibly negotiations seeking a middle ground could secure the affection of a bong song. If no middle ground is reached, you are open to more breach. Today there may be no support from the East,  tomorrow  others may prefer you to roast and enjoy the feast. Possibly in due course the southern ally may also lose patience, then from UP ally to Southern high, all waning options would make you cry.  Some in the party have suggested that the party should remain firm on fdi retail as it did on nuclear deal. That is misplaced optimism as the background to 2008 episode to today's waning fort present two varying pictures that if not repaired could lead to a long rupture. Neither the party from the eastern state would gain nor the one which is on board the adamant train.

Let Lok Sabha complete term
There is a word for Opposition as well. No one wants polls and no poll outcome at this stage could put them on a roll. Attempt should be to defuse the crisis and let the current lok sabha complete its tenure. Provocateurs would be numerous but how many among them would be willing to test the poll waters. Few and with a failed logic. First and foremost the adamant treasury benches should repair the damage by 1 to 1.50 rs rollback on diesel and 9 to 10 cylinders on subsidised rate and a deferment on fdi retail.
Economy is not in such a poor shape as it is made out to be and rating agencies can't dictate the govt to a large degree. Sensex can't be the lone barometer of our wellbeing; the peace and tranquility that makes us live with a limited hope is what we want to more than seasonally sing. Protests should be peaceful and dharnas on empty stomach would give the other side the requisite tool; provocateurs (they don't belong to either side) should be kept at bay and a deferment of fdi retail would dethrone those who want to slay. In an arena as widespread as polity, there is no loss of face and no night gown to be shed in the morning as seasonal grace. Grace is what would make all grow and glow and girding up for a fight would make all feeling low. Cruise to a point where meeting of minds happen, cruise to a table where all shed the animosity weapon.

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