Thursday, September 6, 2012

Reports in a section of press on envelope

According to reports appearing in a section of press which is under no stress, the visit of China's defence minister to India went unnoticed till the envelope puzzle brought an element of justice.  As per a report the minister while travelling from mumbai to delhi kept quite all the while and when his aircraft touched delhi where he found most who were outside the aircraft with a big belly could not prevent himself to tell the indian pilots who had flown him to be in the same belly of things - sound health - and to ensure this he was handing one envelope to each pilot  (there were two pilots in all) to see to it their health gets the requisite highlight.

China and the neighbouring and diverging nations that surround us or have an intention to surround us have been alarmed at the regularity of indian pilots going on a strike without informing the pilots of neighbouring countries. Pilots going on strike and even not willing to return to home during strike period puzzled the volunteers and volunteers willing to be piloteers. As a result pilots of the neighbouring and visible countries spoke to their bosses , who in turn spoke to their bosses visible during day and night that something urgent needed to be done to the deteriorating condition of indian pilots. Following this submission, those enjoying the rank of a minister and those potential and yet not been declared ministers of neighbouring countries have been making repeated foray to india to discuss the pilot fraternity health at length

When the defence minister of china boarded the plane, the first thing he wanted to do was to discuss at length with the pilots the issues they faced. With no mediator on board this did not happen. Before  deboarding the flight , the govt functionary handed the pilots the envelope they deserved, something that had been eluding them for long. It was an expression of gratitude for not having strayed and taken him to a destination he deserved. This the govt. functionary did not discuss with the indian govt. functionary as the envelope had been made ready to be distributed solely after taking the required dosage of rum.

Following this episode of envelope emnacipation, the govt. of india has been flooded with requests from volunteers and vacationers that they too needed to be considered for being taken on board as when a  neighbouring country functionary comes visiting us. 

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