Sunday, October 21, 2012

As i took a tram in Kolkata by Puneet Rajhans

As i took a tram

As i took a tram towards nirmal chandra street going past lenin sarani and subodh mullick square, the information put on a board inside conveyed the order the commuters have to maintain while travelling. "To stop the tram kindly ring the bell once only. Passengers are requested not to give the starting signal". Well this was one of many pointers i came across in Kolkata city where on occasions to be equal to the task one has to be witty.
While the Bentinck Street and the Ganga Ka kal Pani is an established feat of the area, the noticeboard in the vicinity was on the serving of hot tea which would keep you in elements to a fair degree. 

Hot Tea


Special Full - 12
Special Half - 8
Ordinary Glass - 2
Please pay exact money

Tribulations kept away post intake of tea gave you an idea or two to visit the famed Bipin Behari Ganguli Street. Here jewellery shops and furniture stores are in plenty coming with a restaurant that till recently was known as Anmol. It has been renamed Rahmania; opens after 11 in the morning and tea comes for 10rs as against eight last year. With ample time on hand one can also access the Bowbazar Post Office. Inside the Post Office there is a board that shows the destinations from BOWBAZAR Post Office begining with those within the city and those beyond 2000kms.   

From Bowbazar P.O. stations located beyond 2000 kms are:
ahmedabad, bangalore, belgum (read as belgaum), coimbatore, dharamsala, hamirpur, karur, kochi, kollam, kottayam, madurai, mysore, nagarcoil, srinagar, surat, tiruvalla, trichur, trichy, tutocorin, udipi and vadodara .

In the same post office a declaration on swift delivery: "world net express Kolkata to London in just two days". Perhaps a pointer to those who are videshibusy. AS i write this there are some among the net attendees who wish to leave and the netwallah's poser before they disappear with the dossier is: "Are you Hindu?". To this the net crowd declare their foreign origin with authority which should not come in the way of their registering presence in the city caught in a festive fever.     

The visit to RBI office the other day to get a soiled note replaced was a study of sorts. Hope to write on that later.From BBG Street to Surya Sen Street, each has its highs and lows and there are fewer occasions when you come across two entities caught in a wordy duel. Still those on a short fuse could be identified and a better way to approach them is to be all-weather kind.

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