Sunday, October 7, 2012

Wednesday was a historic day

Wednesday was a historic day

Wednesday was a historic day given the histrionics i kept away. THe day began early for me  as i had sleep preceded by a day journey. Being Wednesday i widened my options by stepping out of house on more than one occasion. In fact i wanted to step out early in the morning which got delayed due to bowel sensation.
With bowel cleared and bath adhered i followed this with breakfast and some reading task. Later i took to writing and by the time i stepped out in search of milk and bread it was 10 past 11 stress.

The milk and bread  i procured from city store seem to have little cure and i stepped out again with the wait for voter identity card that seem to endure. Past 2 in the afternoon i collected the voter card and followed this with purchase of bread and curd from siyaram dairy ghat. With everything packed in Ladakh bag i was heading towards home with a realisation that i had gained form. Inside home the realisation dawned that i should play the role of a subordinate and no tolerance policy adopted by those who cared little for those with interference gear. Time and again stress was laid to not interfere in house matters and a prodding done to visit a doctor quarter. Doctor who could diagnose the anger quotient and in effect after meeting me could well be a fit case to be a patient .Request declined the peace was reached with no interference coming which if ever it came could be seen as a sign of siege.

The bread, curd and milk i fetched from the market, ma suggested that this too could be done by a delivery boy who always carries a carton of a size of a bucket. Undermining my efforts in getting the requisite necessities i suggested i could get the fruits and vegetables that did not lead to a range of acidities. The offer to get vegetables was turned down consequently leading me to write on who all are home bound. Once home bound the urgency to lay stress on water and power is not a bad idea given some who consume these as if they have come from Siberia.

As for tv-watching the most watched event is the provocation and prevarication of party spokespersons to partly blame the weather for series of ills afflicting the nation, not realising some among their leaders have lost the art of patience.  Little said on alternate or third day would be an idea worth trying instead of opening mouth every hour to show that after every shower they feel like crying. Wednesday was a historic day for the range of histrionics i kept away.

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