Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sore land and sore throat

Sore land and sore throat

As another set of revelations  came revealing the set pattern of those going for ablutions and other sensations, the market forces at play had begun to sense another opportunity to thrash those who ever tried to bring negativity on tray.  In a world driven apart by news followed by debate-cum-deceive clues, the sensation hooter blown two days ago on land and leverage had already begin to suffer a series of rupture. Agent 100watt could have seen this coming and accordingly set his house in order that showed less signs of beaming. Perhaps the enormity of deals involving sand and sore throat are high and here the enormity of benefits showered on real estate concern by successive regimes has led to the current round of roar. Perhaps  clue to this current round of desertion from estate developer to let enable the figures speak for themselves showed how this giant and other estate developers with a degree of mind since mid-80s had a free run given the successive administrations showering of benefits  in a ton. Slow and steady helps one to deflect signs of adversity.

Lofty policies lobbed in the air

From mid-80s and lasting for over 25 years, the policies that were lobbed in the air were lofty and lusty. Large tracts of agricultural land for a larger period lay unattended and this gave the giant the power to raise structures and give compensation to those who sold sensing a bold future. Those who sold the land in mid-80s and shifted to other locales too could not have imagined the pitfalls of unchecked commercial growth that got in its trap all those who had a sizeable income or were in the negotiable distance of getting one.
Authorities since mid-80s are at fault for giving ample room for land developers to play according to their need and desire and in effect blow the trumpet that so many sizeable people have got accommodation with the twin benefit of keeping vehicles of variable tyre. This story began in Gurgaon and spread to other towns and the govt. of the day, with a sizeable negativity on tray, felt what better way to up the revenue than open large tracts of land for commercial exploitation and get a sense from those people who desired to have different dwellings with different sensation.

Newspapers splashed with ads since late 80s

If memory serves me correct in 88-89, the price of one dwelling was around 3 lakh and newspapers back and front page were splashed with estate offering of flat and gas. Perhaps the estate developers never realised their folly that they were paying their employees and other defenders huge sums and this was adding to their liability and in effect make them lose their chums.  Perhaps they would have never ran up this liability load had some people in their fraternity suggested to go slow and avoid the temptation to roar. Had they believed that newspapers in 80s and 90s could be relieved from the stress of putting estate ads daily, to this date they would have been faring fairly. The politico-business bonhomie has led to this state of affairs and if more such deals in future have this nexus coating, there would be more urgency to hold a press briefing. The authorities of the present and future need to stay clear of such deals and people of 100watt stature should understand that there is no better course than staying put with available resource force. It is greed that has spawned this politico-business nexus and unless they listen to the tribulation around they would continue to hear the estate sound. Sanity from either side would be handy. In the cynical world we live in, there can always be a middle path that underscores the need to stay away from insinuation art.

One had a battery of barristers-turned- ministers and ministers-turned- barristers arguing that it is a clear case of vendetta politics. The statement from estate pillar and some papers putting as a lead story of the front page showed the market forces that had sprung up  in solid defence to erect a sizeable fence. It is illustrative of the times where huge salaries and huge compensation is the buzzword and if any failing is recorded, it does not take long for print and electronic wheels after firing all cylinders to get sedated. Print and electronic wheels too have run up huge expenses and revenues from advertisements can alone keep them going. Perhaps a beginning has to be made by them by cutting on their expenses; once they are able to do that they would have elbow room to do repeated stories on the larger issue of politico-business bonhomie which would have enduring success unlike the presidential debate triggered Romney.

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