Friday, February 11, 2022

Of Maggi Intake And Wame Bake

Of Maggi Intake And Wame Bake

After having taken Maggi the bloated stomach refused any take of gravy. One dose of Maggi was too much to be easily digested and there weren't enough moments to assess the performance of Ofsted. The intake of Maggi was written all over my face and a stomach unnerved was a reality with no ounce of haze. Maggi should be had in little quantity and henceforth little is the fury in stomach and with no humdrum cavity. A stomach that was not at ease with acidity refusing to freeze we were in unstable state of affairs and only banana and banana could take away our belly fears. We take a vow we won't have Maggi in future even if is recommended by news channel tutors.

As we watched soaps after soaps the day was dull as all soaps revolved around who was to revolt and who faced the possibility of sool. In soaps after soaps that come in medium of Hindi it was high time we gauged the mood of Crawford whose first name is Cindy. These melodramatic soaps divulge secrets of multiple relationship multiplying every passing hour making the said soap look somewhat absurd and in that scenario looking more meaningful is the heart to heart talk with friar. We don't have disdain for soaps their procrastination theme is accomplished in bathrobe. In soaps after soaps from Abhi to Arohi to Akshu to Malhar Sarkar and Poorvi there are candid moments of wisdom lying at the bottom of heap is producer's fiefdom. Come to think of a soap that is not tied to multiple relationship and holds mirror to a society that seeks limited connectivity.  

India is home to a game called cricket a time may come when Kashmir would play host to ice hockey and fewer would be in attendance of the likes of hackette. Ice hockey is quite a fad across Atlantic there could be moments when post this game some may be tied by pilloried tame. Politicos should hold a mirror to themselves and abstain from duties that prolong stress. India is home to politicos of varied hues and some are amidst a landscape essaying their career blues. Some want to procrastinate and stick to chair as they want to suggest they don't have any fear. India is home to a civilisation where different religion, caste and colour have a semblance of assimilation. Hail India for its vibrant colours and none should be pulled up for what they wear and what religion they practise and if they are admonished for these acts that would amount to administrator's antics. 

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