Saturday, February 5, 2022

Stories Penned By My Father Gouri Shankar Rajhans From A Deft Response That Needed To Be Raised To Counter Threat From Chinese Corridor To India's First Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru's Reign That Could Not Grasp The Deceptive Tools Employed By China. These Stories Appeared In Lokmat Samachar Published From Maharashtra State In India

Stories Penned By My Father Gouri Shankar Rajhans From A Deft Response That Needed To Be Raised To Counter Threat From Chinese Corridor To India's First Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru's Reign That Could Not Grasp The Deceptive Tools Employed By China. These Stories Appeared In Lokmat Samachar Published From Maharashtra State In India  

US Defence Secretary's Message To Three Asian Nations India, Japan And South Korea Was Loud And Clear

Writing for Lokmat Samachar My Father Gouri Shankar Rajhans noted as soon as he assumed office US President Biden sent Defence Secretary Mr Lloyd Austin to New Delhi. During parleys in New Delhi Mr Austin dwelt on the need to improve ties. During this leg of his tour Mr Austin went to Japan and South Korea as well and in all the three nations the message that emanated was loud and clear work on a blueprint to counter China's ascending and aggressive posture which were benefitting none and a deft response needed to be raised. On the issue of security Mr Austin assured Indian leaders that President Biden would keep in mind the growing needs of New Delhi and provide all logistic support.  Both India and US were hopeful of an uplift in ties between two nations and President Biden would see to it that people of Indian origin residing in the US and their demands were addressed with an open mind.

My Father Gouri Shankar Rajhans further observed that India had been an Non Aligned Nation for long and probing the probability of coming under NATO fold. That did not happen given no unanimity in India and that move was shelved for all times to come. That brings to focus the Ukraine episode where Ukraine despite showing no intent to join NATO is being brought to knees by Russia which is not in good taste. Here  de-escalation would be the key to see the threat disappear. 

As for Mr Austin's visit India and US should speak in one voice given the challenges in Asia-pacific and this was the sum total of his visit. 

There is no denying the fact that India-US ties had seen a momentum of its own during Reagan era when the then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi visited Washington and engaged with President Ronald Reagan on issues that were close to their heart.

Writing for Lokmat Samachar on de-escalation in East Ladakh's Pangong Lake, My Father Gouri Shankar Rajhans noted India and China had come to an agreement to disengage. Some eight months ago there were  skirmishes between Indian and Chinese troops. China went with this theory for long that there was no casualty on its side but later retracted and accepted the reality. It was after long series of deliberations that China agreed to withdraw from contested territory. 

Writing on events of the past My Father Gouri Shankar Rajhans noted that India's First Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru believed India and China could be best of friends given the similarities they faced. Britishers ruled India for 200 years making it undergo brutality of unimaginable scale and China had faced tyranny of Western nations for a long time. Given these similarities Nehru's optimism on two nations being best of friends was misplaced.  

First Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru could not read China's deceit

Mao Tse Tung became Chinese President in 1949 and during same time Chou en-lai became Prime Minister. The two leaders assured Jawaharlal Nehru that the two nations could be best of friends but the two Chinese leaders had other ideas in mind. In 1959 China invaded Tibet and this move saw protest from all sides including Nehru. Given these range of protest China Assured Nehru that internal affairs of Tibet would be kept free from intrusion. As luck would have it His Holiness Dalai Lama came to a conclusion that he too could be captured by Chinese soldiers and taken to China from Lhasa. Losing no time he left Lhasa and reached India.  His request to get asylum was accepted by Nehru and he made India his home. China signaled discontent over Dalai Lama's moves and asked Nehru to hand over him  which Nehru refused. Over course of time the relations between India and China witnessed rupture of sorts.

Writing on  Galwan Valley scuffle My Father Gouri Shankar Rajhans noted that scuffle between troops of both sides brought hard facts on table. There were casualties on both sides and it was after long series of deliberations that China was made to retreat. Senior military officials of India and China have taken upon themselves the need to engage on a continued basis with a bid to end hostility and let peace prevail. I believe that doors of negotiations shouldn't be shut as challenge can emanate from any quarter as proceedings of the past have revealed.  

We seek better ties between US and Russia, hope they mend fences and have heart to heart talk in surroundings that resemble Eurasia. Hope the hostile template withers away and none of the nations are in scuffle fray. Hope peace prevail in surroundings that are tranquil. 

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