Friday, May 3, 2024

Facts Without Filter, News Without Bias And Here Some Have Little Choice

Facts Without Filter, News Without Bias And Here Some Have Little Choice

As one came across Facts Without Filter, News Without Bias (First Voice Last Word Delhi Newspaper) to get to the base of news people have little choice. News could well be about reservoirs across South India at 10-year low to those hoping the deficiency in winter rains would be offset by rains in plenty in summer even if one has aspiration to be a drummer. News could well be about a black man being clobbered by cops in Ohio and then bragging about bar fight and this is entirely discrimination and this has to be set right. Blacks have as much rights to live and listen as Whites and here there be no discrimination and Blacks be given respect without any element of hesitation. Blacks and Whites have to show unity and set aside actions that hit their integrity. Remuneration to Blacks, Remuneration to Whites be at par even if they do odd jobs and they not summarily dismissed at nights for their discourse on common cause that some found to be trite.

News About The Need To Rein In Fear And Bring Cheer; Let Chess Be India's National Game

News could well be about the need to rein in fear and in no quarter of the world tools of discrimination be employed by those who do/don't sport beard. Let each and every individual be given respect and right from India to Indonesia there be no discrimination on the lines of caste creed and colour. News could well be about some people's X handle being made inoperative as they never intended to twist facts and stated the true and tiresome picture of a nation state in distress and this noted by Vernacular PRESS. News could well be about heatwave that sections of India are going to witness and if taken right set of fluids one can keep at bay the afternoon stress. News could well be about how management of a school is being told (requested) to reinstate a Principal who was told to resign for the mere fact that she took a Pro-Palestine stance and here no one should have any grievance. News could well be about how the game of chess doesn't get the right eyeballs and here India has to take a lead in promoting the same as chess warriors are on a stroll. Let Chess be declared the National Game Of India and let chess wizards and their acumen be acknowledged even if they don't respond to calls coming from region named Chuvashia. 

Economy Taking All Along Be It Rich Or Those Dreich

News could well be about the need to stay away from acts of impropriety for those occupying/ oscillating high office and here vindictive attitude be nipped in the bud and right approach bring the right set of curd. News could well be about an economy to be labelled on right growth trajectory if it takes along all set of people from poor to rich, those near and far and those dreich. News can't be about the stocks and stakes when more than half of the populace have no access to bare essentials and can't maintain their gait. The rise in stock market torrential choices can't be wonder of sorts when on rising food prices powers that be have lost the plot. Stock market alone and hot money prone can't illustrate the innings of a nation state as the frenzy to access the necessities by the common man make the administrators berate. For the common man to access and that too at affordable cost is out of reach and this statement of facts the powers that be don't preach.

As one came across Facts Without Filter, News Without Bias pronouncement we are living in a world witness to churn and pearls of wisdom looking blurred the need is to hold your horses come what may hitting one's noesis in their premises. Let the facts come, news be hefty and plump if it is about an IDEA to free nation from irritants that release unnecessary churn. 


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