Thursday, May 23, 2024

Prices Of Pomegranate Skyrocketing And This Having No Middle Class Tuning

Prices Of Pomegranate Skyrocketing And This Having No Middle Class Tuning

With prices of pomegranate reaching new level in hindsight there could well be emanating trouble. The vendor to chase and the vendor from where to purchase all lying in a state of uncertainty in a nation where there is no poll brevity. Vendors are finding hard to locate pomegranate stock with no availability shown by those who don't necessarily stalk. To get right set of vendor who could deliver pomegranate in ample there could well be the fruit aficionado settled in east to west side of New Delhi The City where there are scores of eateries where most flag GST battery. 

For Pomegranate To Locate And This Not Coming In Crate

For pomegranate to locate one would have to step out every now and then when scorching heat for some may not be fun. GST GIANTS for now have spared pomegranate from coming under its ambit and the day The GST GIANTS make a move towards the same pomegranate the fruit may lose fame. As of now pomegranate and 1 kg of the same coming for Rs 250 and powers that be reminding with nonchalance this is its inherent beauty. Powers that be would like us to believe that prices of pomegranate still the lowest in the country and any upshot won't be looked with disdain by those who day in and day out report to train pantry. 

Is Rs 250 Justified In A Season When Opening Act Is Tested And Tired?

 Is Rs 250 justified in a season when poll and its humdrum opening looks tested and tired? Pomegranate in South Asia to South East Asia may be purchased in lumpsum by those sporting thick wallet which are not tagged as it could well invite the ire of GST GIANTS in our country in particular who want each month collections to be fat. 

No Signs Who In Months Of May And June Would Croon

As pomegranate purchase looks to be formidable particularly in the months of May and June there are no signs who in these months would croon. We are living in times when prices of veggies to those lost in reverie all pointing skywards and purchase of pomegranate to be made if it comes with rewards. Pomegranate at a discount and that too in Delhi city and town with vendors wishing to bring it in large quantity provided there is an assurance from powers that be that GST would be withdrawn on tickets meant for train travel on much stretched out Indian Trains where travelling gets undeniably prolonged and chieftains witness to long series of babble. 

Don't Unleash More Coal Mines In India

The story of how people came in action in defence of Hasdeo-Arand Forest in Chhattisgarh State and how it was rescued from greedy coal miners deserves praise and so does Mr Shukla in the centre of this movement. The area has been notified as wild-elephant reserve and we hope there is no future exploitation. This story appeared in First Voice Last Word Delhi Newspaper Hindustan Times on May 19. Most people appreciated the essay on former Chief Election Commissioner  T N Seshan and writer deserves all praise as we are in thick of action where right to dissent is not being entertained and most being rounded up and chained. From news portal to those holding rightful opinion are being incarcerated and here we are in milieu of uncertainty and most getting booked for their straightforward creativity.

The London- Singapore flight that was witness to air turbulence was much due to unsettled milieu we are in. Efforts should be made to keep fossil fuel usage to bare minimum and by doing so it would enlist encomium.


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