Friday, May 24, 2024

Water Saved Is Water Earned

Water Saved Is Water Earned

In this scorching heat there is tremendous load on water that is supplied and water that is city to city pride. There is a crying need to have prudent usage of water as water is something that generations after generations have felt elated over with supply in abundance in previous century and this precious resource in the new century devoid of thunder and inventory. Let the citizens of the world take a vow that there would be judicious use of this precious resource knowing fully well the drying wells and fast receding source. Let water be preserved for generations to come so that they don't radiate sentiments as broad as glum. From Walled City of Delhi to distant land of Turkey, from Sub Sahara African Countries to European Nations where limited water supply hit rich and dreich alike the Call Of The Century Is To Save Water And Be Upright.


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