Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Recap On COP28 Which Undeniably Is Overweight And Nothing To Offer On Plate

Recap On COP28 Which Undeniably Is Overweight And Nothing To Offer On Plate 

Till Tuesday there was no word yet on COP28 Summit and what the draft would say and who would have his way. Till Tuesday there was too much ruckus in the meet with little success to greet. The gathering not miniscule but achievements to say the least releasing sentiments of pule. With nearly 190 countries in participation this over 10 day summit was never close to reaching a deal and gridlock persisted all through proceedings with the host unwilling to give fossil fuels phase-out the necessary wheel. What to talk of net zero emissions by 2050 if such is the conduct of such summits it would take centuries to say yes with summit adherents needing fresh permits. 

The Dubai Desk That Faltered; The Notable Absentee Consensus

Minutes turning to hours, hours turning to days the meet could not agree on draft and hanging in balance akin to river raft. Such meets are like one on treadmill dysfunctional and giving no thrill. Planet Earth is racing against time and climate change and churning there after and some in the gathering finding it fine. Climate change would bedevil earth for long and won't erase blues confounding it further from Kalimpong to Pyongyang. The Dubai Desk would be much remembered for the sojourn the gathering had and some looked to be cynically spoiled brat. Gathering under one roof, giving deliberating proof, breaking for lunch and dinner with no sighting of a winner. In the Dubai Desk the notable absentee was consensus as some participants never wanted to lose revenue from oil cess giving much advertised gathering stress.

Proper Briefing In The Run Up To Summit

It was in the interest of COP28 to do proper briefing in the run up to the meet so that consensus could be keyed. The Dubai Desk faltered from Day One and by the closing day the picture was by no means altered with all likelihood it would spill over to another day to show it is very much in initiating mitigating measures to fight climate change and they know its perpetual range. Who all are supposed to wash dirty linen in public when salvo has been fired by the host which is somewhat less Republic. 

Draft In Dozen; Preparations In Puzzle

The draft in dozen, the preparations in puzzle, the time is ripe to set back the clock and work with renewed intensity to tackle climate change ROCK. Quite essential in the Declaration From Dubai Desk there be no caveat to climate change tackling measures and mitigating response be minus fissures. Let there be barriers to growth if it is hurting earth with enough dose. Let growth be not accepted at the cost of environment and sceptics be told there won't be any ringing endorsement. If fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) that rules are to be phased out so be it even if it hurts the economy of one moneyed block or other which are no less than raw and engage in gibberish talk.


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