Wednesday, December 6, 2023

What It Takes To Win Polls In India

What It Takes To Win Polls In India

Elections is a gamble in India. The province to be captured; the province that keeps you in raptures for the simple fact that it has given you winning edge three times in a row taking away from Opposition the much awaited glow. To win elections and not get swayed by euphoric happenings in the commencing days requires better judgement and acumen skills till the very moment one doesn't lose power and parking oneself next to a bar. For all through year comprising 365 days one has to be joyful mindful of events unfolding each day and voters by no means cray.  Election is necessarily a battle which doesn't end where poll has been won it starts from the first day in office and for the tenure one stays knowing fully well who all would be in the next election trial and fray which won't be any less than a shaking tray. 

Longing To Release Series Of Innovation; Prices Of Essentials Subdued To Retain All Season Dude

Having pulse of the nation and alternating mood it is in there should be a longing to set in motion series of innovation. Innovation can well be in varied areas like healthcare, transportation, ports and railways not done in haste as it can well take away jobs of many inviting rebuke and unwanted gaze. If prices of essential commodities are skyrocketing then remedial measures should come sooner than expected revealing a regime rich in tales and treasures. Black marketeers bringing jeers should be taken head on and let viable prices prolong. Essentially prices of gasoline should remain subdued; any rash upward movement can make one lose here and there the All Season Dude. Criss-crossing the province round the year by jeep or train with political party warriors sporting clothing much purchased after getting arrears should be done every now and then with party workers who toiled hard not shunned and having moments of fun. If natural disturbances like floods or drought has kissed one district after another the need is to act with alacrity and measures shouldn't be in brevity. District Officers like DMs and SPs should be taken into confidence and they be told that no section of society should go unattended and succour be not for one particular section on hold.

Contact With Party Workers Shouldn't Incite Those On Boots; In The Run Up To Polls Beef Up Security

In Provinces where polls are due six months to one year from now visits to alienated locales should be more frequent with no momentum lost and hearing in rapt attention the voters anguish and cause. Championing the cause of poor should be a 24X7 job and seen in the backdrop that quantum of support is broad for no banks to get robbed. Contact, contact and more regular contact with party workers at roots and booth management shouldn't be bewildering enough to summon reprimand from those on boots. Travel by jeep or car the travel juggernaut should be minus histrionics even if some in convoy are linked to system UNIX. Connect With Voter In A Nation not hostage to butler. If ever hostage crisis erupts swift should be the response giving none jolts. In the run up to polls aircraft to airport to railway to those participating in trade tray and tennis play should be beefed up conscious of the fact that those manned to do the same should not be ageing fast and grey. 

Sporting Tourney Shouldn't Clash With Polls

If staging a sporting tourney be clever enough to see that it doesn't clash with polls as it can leave wardrobe with holes. See the structured budget earmarked for polls is adhered to and giving no one any career blue. As for fiscal discipline apart from govt spending which has appearance no less than a juggernaut Private Final Consumption Expenditure should soar as well and the latter should not be repeatedly told.

These set of rules hold true as well for some APAC countries  like Indonesia, Bangladesh, Philippines, Laos, Cambodia, New Zealand, Turkey, Iran, Turkmenistan and others and they are no less than brothers. 


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