Friday, December 8, 2023

Global Investors Meet And Urgency To Greet

Global Investors Meet And Urgency To Greet

As one came across an ad of Global Investors Meet and the urgency to greet one wonders who are these investors making enough gestures and coming essentially from green pastures. The place to hold the meet identified, the guest list and timing fine tuned with no element of rancour or retaliation taking place at a locale where one doesn't sight sand dune. There is a pressing need to hold such meet in provinces having sand dune as by doing so it can foretell the events to happen some of which one could prune and make the notable absentees fume. Investing in a state/province having enough wilderness and barren land is paramount given the border state which on occasions see movement of tank. 

Investors Shouldn't Fiddle With The Idea To Join Poll Fray

As the Global Investors Meet is to open on a week day not dry day preparations are underway to make it sure the investors don't spell inclination to join the poll fray. If that were to happen what would happen to investment climate as more would be eager to carry politico nameplate. So not to let this thing to happen less of politicos would be allowed to get inside the venue and sprinkled with administrators and their retinue. 

Prime Message From This Meet

The prime message to be sent by this meet is investment would be reloaded in a state in dire need of the same even if the one holding the chair is somewhat lame and to lift the car from the pound one needs no less than a crane. Investors would be welcomed by being garlanded and given a brief on issues to be deliberated and the foremost list appended. Once this meet opens the prime subject on table would be what would be served to guests who came from far away places including states that run bus service going by the name BEST. Discourse would be all about the natural resources the state holding the meet is gifted with and with no whatsoever rift. 

Discussions To Continue Well Past Noon

Discussions would continue well past noon and thereafter they would break for lunch and they would be offered cuisine and they in turn reminding the host it needs more punch. Not satisfied with the food served some would omit themselves from deliberations for roughly two hours and scanning parking attendant towers with the hope to see the place is secure and those manned to do the same their duty hours dure. They would return to the proceedings in the hall to witness speeches made by those who declare themselves as ladies and gents carrying enough pence. With all speeches heard in rapt attention as the night wears on the delegates would begin to leave having understood the import of such summit for which the state had not much to do to get permit. 

Flipping Through Guest List 

Once the guest list is run through it would reveal investors hailing from Lucknow to Lisbon, from Libya to territories not to witness for the time being treason. Delegates marking attendance at the meet and not getting opportunity to speak would in their hotel room weep. Consolation would come from hotel staff that this invariably happens when the gathering is large and hosts have challenges to dodge. Challenges could be anything from keeping the surroundings secure and neat and see to it that delegates don't get into fisticuffs and this leading to income tax inspector net. After the meet gets over the investors would start returning to respective states and continents and message they would be plainly told to carry that declare this summit to be a big success even if for the next 12 months there is no meeting of mind on what to invest and leading to ruckus. 


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