Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Remembering My Father G S Rajhans As Two Years Have Passed

Remembering My Father G S Rajhans As Two Years Have Passed

Vivid images of my father G S Rajhans come to my mind as two years have passed. During these two years not a single moment has passed when I have not reminisced about him and the life he chose to live with least interruptions and least pause. Life was a festival he knew it well and each and every occasional thunder and thrust had to be embraced with enthusiasm and elation with no breaks whatsoever. 

Coming From Humble Background

Born in wonderland notably India which was yet to gain freedom and coming from humble background he was second among four brothers who were raised in Sultanganj in Bhagalpur District in Bihar State. The four brothers going by the names Dr Shiv Shankar Rajhans, Dr G S Rajhans, Mr K S Rajhans and Mr Gyan Shankar Rajhans inherited from their parents (Jaideo Rajhans And Kiranmai Rajhans) the necessity to stay afloat no matter from where challenges came and turn them into opportunities. Opportunities to glide and opportunities to surge ahead. If there was season of discomfort given the limited means the four brothers were brought up with the ideal thing they believed was not to lose hope and keep crystal clear the vision and wisdom passed on from generation to generation. 

Posts From Life

Posts from life are that it takes no time for volatility to set in and here fortitude and perseverance guides one to snatch the best from uncertain moments. Noteworthy achievements in his life were scoring First Rank In Economics (Hons), securing the much promising Fulbright Scholarship in University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, taking up teaching assignments in different disciplines and stint in media, politics and diplomacy. Cheerleaders he would have come across many and performing to the best in adverse circumstances made him scale the ladder of glory and eminence. 

Stay In Media Made Him Traverse Length And Breadth Of Country

A Distinguished Fulbright Scholar who could read future to a certain degree his foray in media coincided with innings in politics for five years and thereafter Ambassador of India to two South East Asian Nations Laos and Cambodia. If Kashmir sojourn made him pen Hindi Novel Salma, previous to that the stay in North Carolina made him pen notes and that took the form of another Novel Tum Phir Aana. Both bestsellers in Hindi Territory in the '80s. Kashmir Of Today and Kashmir Of '80s are poles apart and his belief that peace champion be lent support irrespective of turn of events. Media stay primarily in newspaper The Hindustan Times gave him opportunity to traverse length and breadth of country with notes penned by him on his stay in Ajmer to Ahmedabad to Allahabad. The grandeur and prestige emanating from days in Diplomacy did not go to his head and on no single occasion he delinked from his roots. He had illustrious shot at life for over 83 years and his life chapters are no less than inspiration where reverses were turned to gains to go ahead.  


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