Monday, December 4, 2023

Post Poll Results Glimpse Of Asia And Random Thoughts on Afrasia

Post Poll Results Glimpse Of Asia And Random Thoughts on Afrasia

After poll results came in workers of winning political parties in India began to visit restaurants and cafeteria to have a GLIMPSE of Asia. The win and whisper had been much heard in the corridors of power and hogged limelight in news channels emanating from Asia And Middle East Tower. Asia news channels in particular for hours debating the election results with some participants while driving wearing seat belts. 

Taking Care Of Indian Diaspora And Coming Asian Polls To Be Watched By Females Named Dora

Asian channels away from India hoped to catch the attention of much spread Indian diaspora and try to impress that though they were away from their homeland they could well catch up with news by switching Asian news channels which covered as diverse subjects as developments in Armenia's Lake Sevan. Elections in Bangladesh, Malaysia and Indonesia were not that far and the architects of political parties ruling these set of countries wished to have a word or two with winning parties strategists in India on winning night closing hours. Polls in these three Asian Nation States may well summarise the direction the continent would take despite not having enough territories with rail rake. In the States of India those who were routed began to browse as they had enough grouse. For the very fact that for the next five years they would be sitting idle and would be able to contest after five years pass and during this period they could well afford to make multiple visits to Ladakh's region Drass. 

Losing Candidates Take

These losing candidates take was for years they toiled hard to get the party ticket and then campaign and compete in a poll arena where their prospects looked upbeat. As days progressed and pollsters giving them no hint and stress they were confident they would make it to victory bucket and they by no means to be dismissed as nitwit. Cherubic smile they maintained on Polling Day and the day counting was on they received a long distance call from West Bengal's Territory Kalimpong. The Kalimpong Dialogue Turning To Diatribe was all about the crystal gazer telling them they were set to lose and as counting winded up this forecast was true and some of them having lost by as less votes as 10 and this revealed in entirety the poll blues and pun. 

For Triumphant Candidates

As for triumphant candidates they held guarded celebrations in their constituencies which were often visited by volunteers of UNGC. UNGC worked in areas of human rights, labour, environment and corruption and winning candidates would in the coming days see to it on such parameters their constituency fared well and on such occasions there would be ringing of bell. They as well made contact with volunteers in North African countries namely Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria to know whether polls were held on schedule and guarded optimism was the rule. They wished well for North African countries and hoped in the season to come it would hold celebrations marked by gaiety. 

Winning Party Workers Whisked Away

Party workers of triumphant group were whisked away as their bosses feared they may be seduced by losing candidates group which had lost all but roof. Fearing alienation in the days turning to months the  candidates who lost and their party workers also toyed with the idea of opening coffee/tea kiosk having least in common with a city at the foot of Altai Mountains going by the name Biysk. Propensity to win and propensity to grow having halted the losing candidates future by no means looked vaulted. 

Keeping Track Of Developments In Gaza Block

For winning candidates they had other choices and task. With poll season over and setting sight on those who take shelter in bower they hope to do something for them even if it takes months to be their chum. Winning candidates as well hope to maintain stable bank balance as salary and perks were better than those sporting clothing brand Raymond. As for the bosses of those winning on trot it was time to know developments in Gaza block. The truce having sustained for just seven days these bosses wanted truce to endure and made calls to Washington for sure. Calls were made early morning hours when US Administration officials were well past morning shower. Washington Mandarins were made to understand that on Gaza truce they take a rock solid stand. On Murray Darling Basin Plan in Australia the winning candidates hoped it ushered in good chapter and local communities rights were well protected with no battles protracted. Water has to be preserved at all cost and this was what those who watched poll results desired with none in water preserving territories getting fired. 

Climate Change Panther Be Chained

After this season of poll and followers of French Statesman Buisson and his lore time had come to get act together to see climate change panther is chained and this effort should not go in vain. For the man and multiplying masses climate change had brought enough disruptions and it was time to get going with enough patience. Adherents Of Nature had given a clarion call Let Nature Be Respected And Equal Faith Shown In Nature Bowl. From water, soil, coal, air, natural gas and forest the engagement be amiable and pious with no bias. 

I am keeping a track of Tamil Nadu Sampark Kranti Express Train emanating from Madurai In Tamil Nadu State In India which is giant and home to females going by the name Flavia. 


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