Monday, December 11, 2023

Scanning Delhi Paper And Middle East Invite Flavour

Scanning Delhi Paper And Middle East Invite Flavour

Scanning paper of Delhi at a time when silence by all means not eerie what one came across was an ad on promoting tourism in Middle East when some sections in the same belt being repeatedly invaded showing the aggressor fief. The ad was on Discover Saudi With Dubai with least number of people driving Audi. As Delhi Denizens woke up to come across this ad with some fervently maintaining this ad should stay till the moment they don't turn Grad. This ad moved many for the very fact that invite had been given to visit Middle East knowing fully well Gaza Invasion and temerity to do the same had been heard as well in quarters of GREECE. Civilians taking a hit now and then in Gaza should be condemned in strongest terms and those pulled up for flouting humanitarian norms. Benevolent by no means the trespasser was uncanny in his moves and with no hint there would be a pause. The UN Resolution on ceasefire censured notably by US where some section of people have undiluted stress. People by and large in US don't approve the administration move to rein in ceasefire and this reminds one of policy makers who are all set to retire. 

Going Through Middle East Tourism Ad

Coming to this Middle East Promoting Tourism Ad  some looked at while having not left the bed; some after taking morning shower; and some while having breakfast largely comprising toast bread. While reaching offices even before they got to work in their cubicle they had another round of breakfast knowing fully well the structure they are in for the next century or so won't turn rickle. The Middle East offer coming all for Rs 1,24, 560 and this may have snowballing effect as those lining up to visit this territory may even before they step out be told to gain degree B. Ed. This ad was read and reread by Delhi Denizens and called up banks to ascertain balance in their accounts despite in the recent past having received no remittances in pounds. Bank officials told them to visit the banks as such information can't be passed through telephone tanks. In the bank premises there was long queue and they had to wait for minutes turning to hours to get account balance clue. 

Why This Ad At This Time Of Year

Insufficient balance in accounts they returned to their respective homes and wondered why this ad was floated at this time of year as all one can say Saudi Arabia and Dubai want to keep travelers captivated even before fossil fuel phase out gets in renewed gear. With no mood to alter their plans these Delhi Residents called their near and dear ones whose whereabouts known to none to know about their capacity to lend some money and they in turn told them to participate in money lender tourney. With refusal coming from their near and dear ones these denizens tried to gain possibility of some loan being disbursed by their respective offices which had Middle Section Delhi Traces. The condition on which loan was offered was after visiting Middle East they would spend day and night in offices and visit to home a strict No No and in their cubicle with their peers for full one year they won't exchange blow. After money in advance was given these denizens packed their bags and left for Delhi Airport where they boarded flights to Dubai and Saudi Arabia Court. Seven days in all they spent in Saudi Arabia and Dubai and wondered once usage of fossil fuels begin to recede at frightening speed what source of income these territories would preach. Still some years for this to happen they wished well for these two places and hope even in backdrop of little oil sold they retain their aces. Once having returned to Delhi these denizens began visiting offices where they were rigorously told that work place would remain shut in the face of looming elections and reports yet to gain traction on headline inflation. 


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