Sunday, December 24, 2023

Two Set Of News Emanating From Delhi Headquarters In A Delhi Paper

Two Set Of News Emanating From Delhi Headquarters

There were two set of news emanating from Delhi Headquarters and this was read and heard in rapt attention by sons and daughters. One was on rejig in Grand Old Party (GOP) and another on Grand New Party aiming to increase vote share by 10 per cent and this the latter wanted and wished to be the trend. Major rejig the Grand Old Party tried to do as it feared by not doing so it would be relegated to history books sharing space with pantry cooks. This rejig and that attempt to resurrect is with an eye on 2024 poll which no one knows which group would reap a rich haul. Still polls are four months away and this may well see multiple contestants in multiple fray. It may not be three cornered or five cornered contest some Parliament Seats may be witness to seven cornered contest and that for poll watchdog would be a test. 

Organisational Reshuffle In Grand Old Party Became Mandatory

For GOP to bring organisational reshuffle became mandatory as it detests the idea of shutting its party office and opening a bakery. After this juggle was carried out those surprised to find their names in the party structure profusely thanked the seniors which they find on occasions genius. Word of praise came for party head and office bearers some of whom hail from South and know inside out of working of electricity grid. Would GOP get three digit trace in 2024 no one knows even to those in winter months who grapple with the idea to offer rose. Rose come in quantum and offering to loved ones is ok when weather in National Capital Of Delhi make some quaky. With plummeting temperatures and traffic in ruptures stepping out is no less than a challenge in Delhi and this not to be seen in territory of New Zealand which at one point of time hosted politico going by the name Lange. This reconstruct and revamp and ability to revive rests on the prospects whether GOP would be able to reach a neat seat sharing arrangement and would this have aura of attainment with enough sprinkling of edutainment. 

Grand New Party And The Thought Process

As for Grand New Party attempt to build a cadre whereby it could raise vote share by 10 per cent all-inclusive of voters primarily ladies and gents. This may be a tall order and to put it in realm of possibility none should be caught on camera taking away unlisted fodder. Fodder scam was one that ruined a state in East India and memories are still fresh by those who have crush. To raise vote share by 10 per cent and beyond line of communication would have to be established with West Bengal's Kalimpong. The GNP would goad voters to vote in large numbers as it would make a case for that it is sole party to save democracy as others are wrapped in aristocracy. How far this line of thought voters would take no one knows in a country where they are reminded quite often through advertisements of leaders proclaiming to be having flawless credentials and their noteworthy pose. Who is flawless and who has unblemished record it is for voters to decide who have skyrocketing price grouse and this is season to season all looking crouse. 

These Set Of News Read By Denizens Of Delhi And Denizens Of Other Cities

As these two set of news was read by Denizens Of Delhi and Denizens Of Other Cities In A Delhi Paper and to get sum total of information they began visiting different eateries. They ordered lumpsum meals to get a hang of such set of news which by and large heals. Delhi Denizens were particularly concerned over attempts to snatch EVMs (Electronic Voting Machines) in a nation where at regular interval those in the driver's seat is a new GM. As for these two parties to be bedeviled with neck to neck fight in some sections they would despise and would welcome turn of events with enough elements of surprise. As workers of these two parties came across these set of news they put forward a suggestion that they in turn be sent on a cruise as they would have to toil hard in the run up to polls and to work afresh and with renewed energy the much-needed cruise would bring the desired synergy. 


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