Friday, December 3, 2010

Auction of CWG flats KI Nayi Kahani by Puneet Rajhans

Of inspiration and auction

Wikileaks expose don't inspire us. It hasn't come out with anything that is not in the realm of possibility. India figures among four set of nations for its audacity to declare itself as self-appointed frontrunner for UNSC seat is known since it took the liberalised wings in 1991 precisely for this purpose. Pak producing nuclear weapons faster than any other recognised and traceable nation is a fact that can't be dismissed either. So is known Sarkozy going to loo and doing the rounds of hotel lobby in the US with no trace of clothes and Berlusconi reported ineffectiveness stemming from his more than effective shots at babes. None of this would inspire those who keep a tab on daily temperature and daily movement of traffic in their respective cities. What has truly come as an inspiration is the DDA's attempt to auction 10 per cent of CWG flats; the rest to be occupied and not-to-be-vacated by bureaucrats.
The DDA has set stiff conditions for 90 per cent of flats to be completely and truly occupied by bureaucrats. The bureaucrats need not be some who are from this cadre or that cadre and have never made news since they joined the profession. They have to be known for reasons where their association (direct or indirect) with courts, cops and conmen is widely established. The courts for pulling up their intransigent conduct ; the cops who were on their trail and later backed off under unimaginable pressure brought on them and the conman or a series of them who were at their beck and call. A simple bureaucrat won't do. The recalcitrant tendency among them would be welcome and so would be their resurgence /revival after every scam, scoop and shame that brought them down.

As these 90 per cent flats are opened to this tribe, the number of those actually eligible may have to sit out as more than eligible would make the cut. As for the 10 per cent the auction dates would be something to watch out for. Coming to the auction proceedings would be family members and their extended tribe. The mode of transport they come in; the financial muscle they sport and the young impatient followers in the group would be keenly followed. The young forces in the family with no dispute whatsoever on their age and aptitude to inherit the never declared wealth of seniors would be enough for a limited growing tribe to keep a tab on their movements and mates. This auction which would see a congregation of this lot in fairly large number would also be a springboard for some to strike a durable working relationship not to be entirely weighed down by eruption of scams and scamsters every season.
This working relationship to be tried at this auction platform would be with the avowed aim of let the fruits of labour be shared by those willing to be on board. So as dates roll out from DDA, the interested lot is busy brushing up conversation skills and other assets. You never know from which side the doors would open up for you and this auction is one such occasion where you can easily embrace the mate and the moolah in one stroke. Sharing the fruits of labour put by others is the best and sustainable option to earn your livelihood vis-a-vis opening up yourself to charges of wrongdoing when you attempt and plan to play big and beautiful.

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