Monday, December 6, 2010

THe Radia-Nadia tapes Part 2 by Puneet Rajhans

THe Radia-Nadia tapes Part 2

At a marriage function in Nagpur which was simple beyond imagination for the sumptuous meals it brought on table, it was hosted by one seasoned politico hailing from Maharashtra. There were a bunch of congmen making sustained efforts to intrude (it is a season of intrusion and invasion) and finally having succeeded in doing so had a sustained agenda before themselves. Settled in one corner they were there to try the 70 preparations on offer as well as probe the possible fallout and wipeout from Nadia-cum-Radia tapes that had engaged the conscience of the public at large.

After Batata head, the Radia too was seething with anger and aggression over her privacy being violated. Though details are not out yet over her filing a petition to her violation of right to privacy and persuasion, insiders in her camp claimed she has every right to seek justice to the series of injustices perpetrated on her and her followers by tapping phones and then bringing all this in full public domain during day when everyone is alive and kicking.

THe bunch of congmen congregated there to have meals and private moments contended that her contention that conversation she has been having ever since she descended on Indian soil, freed from firangi connections, is of a nature that never reduces her to be a fringe player, always upfront in her demands and aspirations.
The mandate she secured once having reached INdia in sound mental and physical health was to make her way to the establishment with more than desired help from bakras and fakirs; the possible and visible roots to the all and mighty. Having reached INdia, the first piece of information she secured was the print and electronic media were in a state of transition, where all and sundry were being brought down from elevated corridors of power by journos rich in jockeying for power. In the columns and debates they discovered the springboard which would help them express their intent and intent of those whom they worked for beyond duty hours.

It was a stage in India's political fabric when the lower house had a clear and present danger of being exposed to the failure of not completing its tenure; some rocked by tea parties and some rocked by Left's intransigent demands for more lolipops. Apart from policy decisions, the Radia's mandate was to see a stable govt take office with a ring of stability that ensured the stability of old policies with no hijacking by one industrial house or the other. THe early morning chats that she moved with were essentially on how she could maintain this stability and silence the opponents. THese chats covered a wide range of political-cum-business issues all in public interest with the all-important mandate of lending the one Dravidian family and its extended members a string of surprises. Her source of concern and contention was the country had played too long for one dynasty to prosper; it was time for a Dynasty From South to take wings. As she batted for this Dynasty From South, the journos heeded her call and the call from their conscience that something urgent needed to be done to see the old arrangement of 2004-09 continue beyond 2009. AS A Raja took office which he demitted later after having spoken to B Karunanidhi as desired by C Radia, the blame was placed at the doors of these journos for not seeing the avalanche of redfaced Radia baiters.

The sab sukh bhognewale bakras and fakirs, all rolled in one, maintained that what they pursued and whom they persuaded was in line with the mandate given to them. THe mandate was to seek and restore the line of communication with a select few who had the ability to bring a radical change in their lifestyle and life agendas.
As for now all of them are cocooned in their empire trying to figure out the short duration they have been told to stay and melt away and hit the accelerator later with a ferocity not seen before. After all it is in the nature of the mandate given by those who employ them to seek a Stable Centre and a Stable State; the sort of longevity they have aspired for themselves and for their string of followers who tail around them. After all a Stable Centre and a Stable State is the Pukar of the aam janata and fakirs and bakras are in pursuit of this since India gained freedom from licence raj.

Few days later the same group again congregated at an entirely different function to spell the state of affairs. They maintained that moderating and column writing is still continuing with no break reaffirming the belief among aam janata that the proys and subbus of this sector are too tainted to let any action come on the tainted journos. Perhaps the booty has been equally and proportionately shared. And the tainted journos are in the know of things that if brougth out the empires of Kasturbas and Archanas would begin to crumble. Perhaps the eyeballs these ps and ss are looking for their establishment stems from the fact that as long as journos-turned-newmakers continue to figure in their ideas they would never be short of a new audience.
The congregated lot even dismissed the argument of Sardar of Indian Journalism as one Hindi Paper had it that all journos in this episode are above board. Perhaps his range of interaction with loyalists and lobbyists would have been much deeper and strangulating when he operated.

This was the considered view of the intruded lot in the Nagpur gathering and other gathering and post meals and post messages shared and delivered they were on to the task of finding out on how the momentum on 2G and 2JOurnos could be shifted. Again the considered view was considering the consideration that Vijay Hazare gave to Vijay Merchant when Cricket India was playing against Cricket Pakistan, this Vijay told that Vijay that we need to take a run. Considering the consideration that this Vijay gave to that Vijay they ultimately decided to take this consideration beyond considered level and attempted to take a run. In pursuit of this consideration they faltered and fled. THat is the considered consensus that 2Js need to flee and this is precisely the aam janata's urgent plea.

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