Thursday, December 30, 2010

This Sen batting for that Singh by Puneet Rajhans

This Sen batting for that Singh by Puneet Rajhans

Amartya Sen is batting for Manmohan Singh. This Sen batting for that Singh has few surprises. First and foremost is why this Sen is batting for that Singh. Probably the answer lies in the growth trajectory that Singh has batted for to enable India's economy to register 6 to 8 per cent growth for seasons not known.

With 1991, when he took over as Paisa Ka Pradhan Mantri his policies steered clear of licence raj and mata raj. The fascination for India to record record of sorts as far as growth rate went started there and then itself. Possibly the fascination took a hit when coalition conundrum made it inexplicably difficult for growth to be sustained on a sustained basis when politicos across spectrum too failed to clock a growth for themselves. For the past 11 years, the growth trajectory has been a story of assimilation and so has been the sustenance of politicos acros spectrum.

THis SEn who is most resistant to change won't like a change of guard at this stage when India is truly and completely absorbed in and around 8 per cent cake. A change of guard effectively resulting in Manmohan crowd disrupting apart would have a telling effect on the growth rate coupled with ATMs of banks across spectrum. With Man-of-the-Moment not in the picture there won't be any Monty either to bat for the same sustaining growth rate that Monty batted and Singh pursued. Exposed to political turbulence, Sen wants rock solid support for the man-of-the-moment lest history throws up another momentous moment for another political greenhorn to bat for another growth rate.
The inexplicable conduct of PM , Sen traces this to his coalition helplessness and the remedial measures he sees in the mata raj taking a back seat. If mata stops chiding the opposition for chiding the PM that would store the flickering possibility that attacks on pm would wane and in true spirit the governance would reign.
So for the sake of governance let mata and mast opposition take a seat not visible for the moment as man and monty have again set their sights on a sustained growth rate for which sen has equal stakes.

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